Viewing Student Scores

CourseWave makes it easy for instructors to review student scores. Only teachers can view student scores. Students who wish to know their test scores should contact their instructor directly. 

First, go to and log in to your account. Your recently-viewed resources will display on the screen. If you don’t see the resource you need, click “view all.” Then, click on the resource that corresponds to the scores you wish to view.

Now your screen display will show all the tests available in this resource. To view the completed tests, click the word “Submissions” at the top of your screen. This will pull up all the submissions for this resource. New submissions will be in bold at the top. Any tests with ungraded (text-entry short answer or essay questions) will show a number in the “ungraded questions column.” See the Knowledge Base article Scoring Essay and Short Answer Questions for more information on those.

To email the scores to your students, click the “email scores” button at the top right side of your screen. This will send all of the students their scores. To email a score to an individual student, simply click on the envelope symbol next to their submission. Replies to the score email will be sent directly to the teacher.

To report all scores for a single student: click on the student’s name. You will now have a list of all the student’s scores. To email these scores to the student, click the “email scores” button at the top right side of your screen. To email a specific test score, click the envelope symbol next to that test.

You may export the student’s scores as a report by clicking “Export as .CSV” or “Export as .XLSX” in the upper right corner of your screen.

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