For IT Administrators: How CourseWave Uses Automated Email Processes

When a school or school system purchases ABC Workbooks, CourseWave Online Testing is included free. Teachers receive a spreadsheet of codes which they upload to their CourseWave account. The teachers assign these codes to their students. Each code pairs one student with one resource. See the article “Everything You Need to Know About CourseWave Codes” for more information about how these codes work. 

At particular points in the online testing process, sends emails automatically. For this reason, IT administrators should whitelist the CourseWave domain before teachers input student email addresses into the system.

The emails we send to students are automated and triggered by steps teachers and students take within CourseWave. These are the situations which would trigger these automations:

  • When the teachers assign a resource (CourseWave code) to a student and input or upload the student’s email address, the student automatically receives an assignment email. They can then log into CourseWave with a Google, Microsoft, or Clever SSO, or email address/password to view their resources on their dashboard. 
  • When teachers grade a test and select the option to send the scores to the students, they will receive emails with their test scores.
  • If a student forgets their password or needs to reset it, CourseWave will send the reset link to their email address.

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