Accessing Your Two-Week CourseWave Trials

This article applies only to two-week digital trials. Looking to import a code spreadsheet? Try Everything you need to know about CourseWave Codes.

Thank you for choosing ABC as a partner in student success! You should have received your trial access codes in an email–here’s how you get started:

Redeeming your trial codes is a simple process:

  1. Go to and log in or create an account. 
  2. On your dashboard, select “add code” in the upper right corner. 
  3. Enter the code you would like to redeem, and enter your name in the student name field. No additional fields are required. 
  4. When the prompt asks if you entered an email address, select “no”.
  5. The resources will be added to your teacher dashboard. 

To view the resource as a student, log out, and then enter the code when you return to the login screen.

If you have any questions, or if you would like to request a quote for the sampled resources, please contact us at [email protected] or call our office at 888-264-5877.

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