Using a Google, Microsoft, or Clever Account to Access CourseWave

CourseWave supports student logins with a Google, Microsoft, or Clever account, allowing schools to incorporate it into their Google, Microsoft, or Clever classrooms. 

For Students

To log in with your Google, Microsoft, or Clever account, navigate to and click the login button that corresponds to your classroom’s login method. Follow the prompts to connect your account. Once logged in, you will see all of your resources on your dashboard. 

For Teachers

To assign resources to students accessing CourseWave with your Google or Microsoft classroom, use the students’ Google or Microsoft account email addresses when you assign the resource codes. This can be done in your code spreadsheet before importing the codes. You can also add them after import using the manage codes feature. For Clever integration, an email address may be used the same way, but is not necessary. Your students may also add their resources to their account with their code by clicking “redeem code” in the upper right of their CourseWave dashboard.

Please read the section for administrators below for important information about student email accounts. For more information about assigning and importing CourseWave codes, read Everything You Need to Know about CourseWave Codes.

For Administrators

If your email system does not allow outside emails to students, the automatic emails sent from CourseWave will not reach the students. Teachers will need to let the students know when a new resource is assigned, and will need to notify them of their test scores. IT Administrators can whitelist the and domains to allow these emails to go through. For more information about how we use automated email processes, read For IT Administrators: How CourseWave Uses Automated Email Processes.

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